Destination 901 - Englische Ausgabe
Porsche Museum
Destination 901 - Englische Ausgabe

ISBN: 978-3-613-32162-5
Titel-Nr.: 32162
Einband: gebunden
Seitenzahl: 448
Abbildungen: 600 Bilder
Format: 295mm x 240mm
Erschienen: 11/2023
Preis: 79.00 €
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The development from the four-seater 530 prototype to the 901 is one of the most exciting decades in Porsche history. Numerous previously unpublished original documents provide a detailed picture of concepts, designs, backgrounds and decisions. A central role is played by the Type 695, whose final design was eventually built as a one-off and became the model for the Type 754.

File notes, minutes of meetings and memoranda document why the great Porsche fails and Ferry Porsche makes a drastic cut and embarks on a completely new project: the T8, soon receives the type number 901 and is presented to the world public in September 1963 at the International Motor Show at the successor to the 356.

This marks the beginning of the Porsche 911 success story.


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